Friday, October 15, 2010

Ever Get the Feeling You've Been Cheated?

Subcultures in the past that have been music or art based in some way, such as Swing Kids, Mods, Rockers, Punk, Goth, Hip Hop, ect, all came from the street and grew organically. "Hipster" culture since 2000 is a subculture created by strategic marketing experts and focus groups, who give people an entire lifestyle, a way to dress, live, music to listen, causes to support, and the people who buy into usually have no idea that they have been bought.

Everyday, I read blogs and hear people talking lovingly on the subway about the products they buy, as if their purchases define their identity. There is now a whole generation of early twenty something who have grown up being overly saturated by mass marketed media designed to give them their subculture credentials. Instead of being inspired by DIY, thru a strange combination of Post-Modernism and crass commercialization of underground cultures, they've been spoon fed their identities and somehow think this makes them outside of mainstream culture.

Ten years ago, artist Shepard Fairy hit near mainstream success and recognition with his OBEY series. Now Urban Outfitters is selling an OBEY Fashion line, which is worn by kids here in New York who have no idea who Shepard Fairy is.

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